
A Lifetime Of Investing

Lessons Learned:

  • parents
  • grandparents
  • professors

Grandparents Advice:

  • don't let material possessions "own" you.
  • housing: don't live beyond your means 
  • if possible, live in a state with no income tax
  • begin investing early
  • never invest using the 60 - 40 rule
  • never invest using the lifecycle method if likely to be financially independent by age 57 
  • diversification does not simply mean diversifying equity investment
  • diversification
    • insurance 
    • active income
    • pension
    • IRAs
    • 401(k)
    • etc

Discount Brokerage Account

Link here.

Age: 18 - 26
Before First Job


  • enjoy life
  • foster friendships
  • watch for and take advantage of unexpected opportunities
  • travel
  • learn to cook
  • spend wisely but don't live a miserly life
  • set up a personal finance plan
  • concentrate on spending skills, not investing skills
  • investment account needs to have been set up by now

Age 27 - 35
First job


  • big change
  • concentrate on investing, not spending
  • annual strategic plan review
  • this doesn't mean "not living life" --it just means that it's time to start investing seriously
  • make sure you are maximizing company's benefits
  • children? plan for college expenses

Age 36 - 45
Peak earning years
Peak family involvement


  • plan for college expenses
  • sports
  • extracurricular activities
  • annual strategic plan review

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