Friday, July 12, 2024

Overview -- Posted July 12, 2024



Investing. Link here.


  • Pyramid
    • Emergency funds
    • Insurance, life
      • insurability
        • whole: grows in value but not to be used for investing purposes
        • term: only for "x" number of years
      • annuities
      • auto
        • deductibles
    • Savings / Checking accounts
    • Retirement
  • Investing For Retirement
    • Then (your great-grandfather, grandfather) vs Now (your parents, you)
    • Transition (papa, grammy)
  • Vehicles for Retirement Savings
    • active (work, salary, hourly pay) vs passive income (mailbox money): 
      • only active income allowed for retirement accounts
    • IRA --
      • two types
        • traditional
        • Roth -- RECOMMENDED
      • how managed
        • managed by professionals (see below) -- RECOMMENDED
          • mutual funds (see below)
            • load / no-load (see below)
            • brokerage firms (see below)
        • self-directed (see below)
    • 401 (k) -- through your employer
    • TSP -- secret sauce -- Federal government / military pay
    • Pension -- more secret sauce -- including military pay
    • Social security -- how it works
  • How businesses raise money 
    • stocks
    • bonds
  • How to read "the business page."
    • the big three exchanges / the three big equity markets / stock markets
      • Dow
        • NYSE (New York Stock Exchange)
        • Dow: 30
        • (Dow industrial vs Dow transport)
        • "everyone follows" Dow" (Dow industrial)
        • "no one follows Dow transport
      • S&P 500
        • perhaps most important
        • old days, NYSE:S&P500::10:1
      • NASDAQ 100
    • Others:
      • Russell 2000
    • jargon 
      • VIX -- volatility index -- jargon -- important later on
      • bull market, bear market, recession
      • ticker: 3-letter vs 4- / 5-letter
      • P/E (p/e) -- "sells for"
      • dividend -- "pays"
        • cash
        • stock 
      • stock split
  • how to invest in stock market
    • mutual funds
      • load
      • no-load
    • stock brokers
      • full service -- high commission; lots of help but expensive
      • discount (no commission but no guidance): Robinhood, Schwab, Fidelity
      • hybrid: Edward Jones -- moderate commission, but lots of guidance
  • taxes 
    • progressive: the more you earn, the more you pay
      • even if you don't owe any money, you want to file
    • income
      • active income
      • passive income (investments)
        • dividends
        • capital gains
    • credits: dollar-for-dollar reduction of taxes owed (really nice)
    • deductions: reduces taxable income (nice)
      • itemizing / not itemizing: big change over the decades
  • Business media
    • your dad would likely have better suggestions
    • WSJ
    • Barron's
    • CNBC
  • Spaceholder

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